Action Plan for Nursing Home
Protect your Nursing Home in 5 Steps
Responsible Actions that Can Save Lives.
The suggested plan follows some principles:
- Concentrated on the basics: what to do;
- Based on scientific evidence concrete facts and best practices being adopted around the world;
- Whose benefits have demonstrated its effectiveness for the protection of the elderly, especially those considered fragile;
- That they have the application in a relatively simple way;
- That they are economically viable and rational use of supplies;
- For didactic purposes, we divide the measures into 5 (five) steps, but the manager can define the pace of implementation.
Prevention and Control of Infections by the new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) to be adopted in ILPIs.
Click here and download the MS Technical Note (Ministry of Health)
Protocols and Technical Notes

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17b-Estradiol, a potential ally to alleviate SARS-CoV2 infection. Considering that female sexual hormones may modulate the inflammatory response and also exhibit direct effects on the cells of the immune system, herein, we intend to discuss the sex differences and the role of estradiol in modulating the lung and systemic inflammatory response, focusing on its possible application as a treatment modality for SARS-CoV-2 patients.

Click here to read
Pathophysiology, Transmission, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). IMPORTANCE The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, due to the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has caused a worldwide sudden and substantial increase in hospitalizations for pneumonia with multiorgan disease.
Software specialized in elderly care for outpatient and long-term institutions.
Geriatrics and Gerontology Nucleus UFMG
Jenny de Andrade Faria Institute Reference in the care of the elderly.
Geriatrics- FMUSP
FMUSP geriatric discipline: teaching, research and extension in aging.
Geriatric Residence
Non-economic association that provides free and comprehensive assistance to older people without resources, allowing older people to live with dignity, quality of life and well-being through their social integration.
Geriatric Residence
Experience of more than 156 years, offering homes and environments to stimulate coexistence, prioritizing individuality and promoting the quality of life of older people.
Non-profit Institute, whose mission is to structure a network of volunteers in the Health area that provides services with a focus on Primary Care.
Transition Hospital
Much more than a place, a concept in caring. A model that prioritizes training and rehabilitation, in which the patient and family are prepared during the entire treatment stage to proceed independently and safely after hospital discharge.
Magazine in Portugal
Information magazine, training and services for all people who want to adopt a lifestyle that promotes longevity, health and happiness. It is our mission to contribute to a society that values all ages.
Business Communication
ETC Comunicação Empresarial is a corporate communication agency that has been operating for almost two decades with intelligence in dissemination to organizations committed to innovation and development.

ILPI's Claims in the Media
We conducted a survey with the Institutions and, because they are relevant, we managed to focus on the following vehicles:

Folha de São Paulo
Click above and read the full article.

UOL Notícias
Click above and read the full article.

Rede Globo
Click above and read the full article.

Rede Globo
Click above and read the full article.

Saúde business
Click above and read the full article.

Click above and read the full article.

O Tempo
Click above and read the full article.

Estado de Minas
Click above and read the full article.
Research And Work Team

Edgar Nunes
Phd / MD
- Professor, consultant and specialist in Geriatrics by SBGG
- CONASS Consultant
- Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine,UFMG
- Coordinator of the Geriatrics and Gerontology Center of the UFMG.
- Coordinator of the Geriatrics Service of the Hospital das Clínicas, UFMG
- Medlogic Co-Founder

Wilson Jacob
Phd / MD
- Doctor from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo
- Specialized in Geriatrics and Gerontology by SBGG
- Full Professor of Geriatrics at FMUSP
- Director of the Geriatrics service of the Hospital das Clinicas, FMUSP

Daniela Gomez
- Doctor from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo
- Geriatric Specialist by SBGG
- MBA in Health Management at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz
- Technical manager and health coordinator of SBA Residencial.

Rogério Rabelo
Phd / MD / MBA
- Doctor of the Federal University of Goiás
- Doctorate from the University of São Paulo.
- Postdoctoral at McGill University, Canada
- Voluntary Director of Health and member of the board of directors of Casa Ondina Lobo (philanthropic ILPI that welcomes and fully cares for needy older people)
- Director of Dal Ben Home Care & Althea Clinic of Transition

Daniel Melo
- Mechatronic Engineer
- MBA in Business Management from the Dom Cabral Foundation
- Innovation and entrepreneurship at Stanford University / Palo Alto
- Short-term specialization in International Business – IBMEC
- Medlogic Co-Founder and CEO

Fernanda Steck
- Graduated in Psychology
- MBA in Business Management from FGV
- Postgraduate in Gerontology
- Commercial, Communication and Marketing Manager at SBA Residencial

Elisângela Tolosa
- Advertising training, focused on communication and health marketing.
- Postgraduate in Business Management by Mackenzie
- MBA in Sustainability Management of FCV
- Institutional Development Directorate of the Horas da Vida Institute

João Paulo Nogueira
Phd / MD / MBA
- Medical by FMIT
- Founder of the Horas da Vida Institute
- Project awarded by Harvard Business School in the category of Innovation Discipline and recognized as Fellow Ashoka
- Social Entrepreneurl

Alexandre Olivieri
- Production Engineer by POLI / USP
- Master in Business Administration from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation
- SDA Luigi Bocconi MBA (Milan / Italy)
- Specialized in change and crisis management
- Director of Dal Ben Home Care & Althea Clínica de Transição

Maria Carmen de Carvalho
- Public Health Nurse with specialization at the University of Sao Paulo.
- Pediatric nurse at the Hospital das Clínicas in São Paulo
- Nurse in a multidisciplinary team at the Ministry of Family and Social Welfare / SP
- Unit Manager / SF-PBH
- Integrative Community Therapist.

Marianna Barbosa Yamaguchi
- Graduated in Psychology at the São Judas Tadeu University (USJT)
- Graduated in Gerontology at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities ( EACH-USP)
- Specialist in behavioral-analytic therapy by Paradigm Nucleus
- Postgraduate in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation at the Federal University of São Carlos ( UFSCar)
- Professional Master’s Degree from the Interdisciplinary Health Training Program of the University of Sao Paulo (USP)
- Coordinator of a Day Center for Idosos
- Manager of the House of Idosos Ondina Lobo.

Nadir Menezes
- Social Worker of the State University of Londrina
- Master’s student in Gerontology at the Faculty of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo ( EACH-USP)
- 23-year manager of “A Mão Branca”
- Member of the São Paulo ILPI Forum
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Observatory on Longevity and Aging OLHE
- Volunteer in the Administration of the Casa de Idosos Ondina Lobo

Flávia Lanna de Moraes
- Geriatric Specialist by SBGG
- Preceptor of Medical Residence in Geriatrics at HC-UFMG
- Collaborating member of the Geriatrics and Gerontology Nucleus at UFMG
- Senior Consultant of Health Management Systems
- Coordinator of the Mais Vida em Casa Programs at SMSA / PBH
- Doctor of the Municipal Health Department of Belo Horizonte
- Doctor at the Mais Vida Center of HC-UFMG
- Family and Community Medicine Specialist by SBMFC
- Master in Molecular Medicine.

Flávio Augusto Corrêa de Oliveira
- Superintendent of Paulo de Tarso – Transition Hospital
- Nurse
- Master in Health Services Management
- MBA Hospital Management
- Member of the Municipal Council of the Elderly-BH

Ivan Marchetti
- Doctor from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo
- Medical Residency in Pediatrics and Pediatric Infectology at the Hospital da Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo
- Specialist in Pediatrics by the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics
- Head of the Infection Commission of Dalben Home Care and Althea Clínica de Transição

Leonardo Rabelo Mello
- Resident doctor of Geriatrics at the Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (USP)
- Residence in a medical clinic by the Obra Social Irmã Dulce (OSID) in Salvador, Bahia

André Filipe Junqueira dos Santos
DSc / MD
- Geriatric doctor and palliative care
- Doctorate from the University of São Paulo
- Operates in the Palliative Care Service of the Oncological Institute of Ribeirão Preto / Grupo Oncoclínicas, Hospital São Francisco and Hospital Netto Campelo
- President of the National Academy of Palliative Care (period 2019-2020)

André Augusto Jardim Júnior
- Cardiologist at the Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
- Doctor at the Triângulo Mineiro School of Medicine
- Coordinator of the Health Care Network for the Elderly of the City of Uberlândia

Yeda Aparecida de Oliveira Duarte
- Graduated in Nursing from USP
- Master and Doctorate in Nursing from the University of São Paulo
- Post Doctorate in Epidemiology by the Faculty of Health
- USP Public School
- Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo
- Coordinator of the SABE Health, Wellness and Aging Study
- Coordinator of the Nursing Residency Program –
- Adult and Elderly Health
- Leader of the Public Health and Aging research group.

Ann Kristine Jansen
- Associate Professor at the Department of Nutrition at UFMG
- Collaborating Professor of the Graduate Program in Health Nutrition / UFMG
- Full member of the Geriatrics and Gerontology Nucleus at UFMG
- Elderly Nutrition Consultant at the Geriatric Service of HC / UFMG
- Member of the Research Group on Interdisciplinary Study in Epidemiology
- Experience in the area of Nutrition, with an emphasis on Clinical Nutrition, working mainly on the following topics: gerontology, body composition, chronic diseases, neurofibromatosis type 1 and food consumption.

Marisa Accioly Domingues
- Social Worker;
- Master and PhD in Public Health;
- Specialist in Gerontology by the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology;
- Professor of the Gerontology course, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo EACH | USP
- Coordinator of the ENREPO Research Group (Aging, Social Support Networks and Public Policies).

Helena Akemi Wada Watanabe
- Bachelor and licensed in Nursing from USP
- Master and PhD in Public Health from the School of Public Health at USP
- Prof Dra of the Department of Policy, Management and Health of the School of Public Health of USP
- Experience in the areas of Public Health Nursing, Aging and Public Health and Health Promotion, working mainly on the following themes: Health Promotion, Public Health and aging, long-term care, Long Term Care Institution for the Elderly and interdisciplinary health training
- Member of USP’s Aging and Public Health and Health Promotion research groups.

Claudia Inhaia
- Gynecologist with a master’s degree from UNICAMP
- Post-graduation in palliative care by Pallium Latin America and pain therapy by Eunstein
- MBA in health management from INSPER and Adm Hospitalar from FGV
- Exclusive performance in palliative care at Casa Humana Supportive Care, home care specialized in palliative care and as a tutor for Einstein’s postgraduate pain
- Acting in palliative care at IBCC, AC Camargo, Hospital Alemao Oswaldo Cruz, Hospital Perola Byington, NACE at ICESP, Hospital Premier and as a medical manager at NotreDame Intermedica Group.
- Member of the National Academy of Palliative Care Brazil.

Pamella Cristina de Carvalho Lucas
- Doctoral student in Health Sciences at the School of Nursing, University of São Paulo (EEUSP)
- Member of NAPSABE – Research Support Center: Health, well-being, and aging at USP’s School of Public Health
- Specialist in Nursing in Adult and Elderly Health by the Nursing Residency Program of EEUSP at the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo (2016-2018)
- Bachelor of Nursing from the University of Taubaté – UNITAU (2015).

Cibele Laudate Carvalho
- Postgraduate in Business Management from Mackenzie
- Executive MBA from ESPM
- Marketing and Communication Executive
- Experience of more than 20 years in the Health Sector.

Daniela Fraga
- Nurse specialized in Gerontology by UFSC
- Geriatric Home Manager and Manager for 12 years
- Responsible and Director of Home Care in Florianópolis, SC
- Director of the Consulting and Advisory Service for the Geriatric Home in Florianópolis, SC.

Ruth Caldeira de Melo
- Physiotherapist by the Federal University of São Carlos
- Master and PhD in Physiotherapy from the Federal University of São Carlos
- Professor of the Bachelor’s degree in Gerontology at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at the University of São Paulo
- Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Gerontology at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at the University of São Paulo.

Adriane Miró Vianna Benke Pereira
- Physician, specialist in Clinical Medicine by SBCM
- Master in Biomedical Gerontology by the Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology at PUC-RS
- Specialist in Management of Services for the Elderly by the Pan American Health Organization / Latin American Academy of Medicine of the Adult Mayor
- Founder of the Elderly Health Outpatient Clinic of Hospital de Clínicas-UFPR
- Technical advisor to the Elderly Health Care Division at SESA-PR.

Alessandra Alkmim
- Vice President of ACMinas
- President of the Entrepreneurial Woman Entrepreneurial Council of ACMinas
- President of OBME – MG (Organization of Brazilian Women Entrepreneurs)
- Co-Founder of the School of Lecturer
- Co-Founder of ADDHERE
- Speaker
- MBA Teacher
- Co-Founder of the Podcast “As Não Lineares”

Bárbara Dias
- PhD student in psychopathology and psychoanalysis at the University of Paris. Thesis in palliative clinic.
- Psychologist graduated from PUC / SP in the services of geriatrics and palliative medicine in Paris.

Marília Viana Berzins
- Social Worker
- Master in Social Gerontology (PUC / SP)
- PhD in Public Health (FSP / USP)
- Gerontology Specialist (SBGG)
- Retired Municipal Public Employee (PMSP / SP).
- President of OLHE – Observatory of Human Longevity and Aging
- Coordinator of the Elderly Caregiver Training Course
- Professor of several specialization courses in Gerontology
- Technical Consultant in Gerontology
- Member of the State Council for the Elderly / SP.

Matthias Weisheit
- Administrator and economist
- MBA from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- Master from the Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania
- Degree from Babson College, Boston
- President of ACRESP (Association of Housing for the Elderly of the State of São Paulo)
- Founder of Residencial Felita.

Hilary Reales Arrieta
- Administrative Assistance Technician of the National Learning Service (SENA) Colombia
- International Business Administration student at Ceipa Business School
- MEDLOGIC collaborator
- Responsible for translating and building the website in English and Spanish.

Daniel Azevedo
- Specialist in Geriatrics by MEC and SBGG / AMB.
- Coordinator of the Geriatric Medical Residency at Casa Gerontológica de Aeronáutica Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes.
- Scientific director of SBGG-RJ.
- Member of the Geriatrics Technical Chamber of the Federal Council of Medicine.
- PhD student in Public Health at UFRJ.
- Author of “O Melhor Lugar para Morrer”.

Marlos Luiz Villela Moreira
- Resident of geriatrics at USP.
- Currently on internship at Casa Ondina Lobo.